Practice living in the moment, gaining self understanding and self realization.

This is a place to get experience with all you have studied in your quest. This is a mystery school, of sorts.

Practice living in the moment, gaining self understanding and self realization.

Listen to the wind rustling the trees and let your heart be soothed. Be at peace and let Mother Earth (Gaia) bless you with her darshan (blessing from a master). Peace is always here for you.

Gaia Sagrada
Frequently Asked Questions
For the most up to date information, visit our new website, gaiasagrada.com.
How far in advance will registration take place?
Registration can take place at any time. Housing choices are limited, book early if you want more than dormitory housing.
What time is check in and check out?
Day of arrival, registration 3 - 5 pm.
Day of departure, 1 - 3 pm.
Are accommodations, activities, food, workshops, and ceremonies priced separately?
Prices are all inclusive and the only differences in price depend on the housing you choose: dormitory, shared rooms, or private rooms. Fees are listed on Community Living page.
Do I have to pay the whole thing in advance?
No, you don't have to pay the whole thing in advance if you don't want to, but you can if you like. Here are the payment markers if you wish to make a deposit and pay in full later:
60 or more days before the event, 50% due
30 days before the event, payment in full due
What if I am unable to attend? Refunds?
Please see Cancellation, Transfers and Refund Policies for more information.
How many people does the center support? How large are retreats?
At this time, Gaia Sagrada supports small groups of 50 people. The meeting hall will hold 100 people even though housing is not available for that many at this time.
Are there any discounts?
There are only discounts for 1 months stays (27 nights, 28 days) or more.
Only ONE discount can apply per person, no double discounts
5% discount for UMS students and graduates if staying one month
$100 discount for 5 extra hours per week above the required 5 hours, 10 hours total
$200 discount for 10 extra hours per week above the required 5 hours, 15 hours total
Is the facility handicap accessible? Deaf or blind? Service animals?
We are not handicap accessible at this time. Given the terrain, gravel roads, and pathways, wheelchairs will not work. This is mountain country and a person must be able to move around on foot. Eventually we will provide handicapped facilities as funds provide.
If you can get around on foot when you have assistance, and you are willing to provide this assistance yourself (pay for someone to come with you to the retreat), that will be fine. Service animals are permitted as long as they are always on a leash during your stay at Gaia Sagrada.
Age restrictions for the elderly?
There are no age restrictions for elderly, but keep in mind this is a place where someone must be able to maneuver trails and dirt roads.
Someone who cannot walk up hills will find it difficult to get around at Gaia Sagrada. We do not at this time have personnel for assisting elderly or handicapped participants.
Can I bring children?
No daycare activities for children, except when we have Camp for Kids and Parents, expected to take place once per year.
Children over 16 can participate in most retreats and workshops. The age of 18 is required for shamanic ceremonies.
What are the accommodations like?
Several housing possibilities: dormitories, shared rooms, private rooms
No rooms have private baths at this time
Bathrooms close to rooms, always more than one bathroom available
Do I have to share a bathroom?
We only have rooms that share bathrooms, but plenty of bathrooms. In the future we will have rooms with private bathrooms, possible in 2014.
Are there cooking facilities I can use? Can I bring my own food?
No cooking facilities available
Three vegetarian meals per day served
Snacks and beverages available
Food included in housing fees
You can bring snacks to keep in your room if you like, but please adhere to the diet being practiced during a retreat if you are here to participate in a program that requires a special diet. like raw, vegetarian, juice fasting, etc.
What types of dietary restrictions will you accommodate?
Will there be wireless internet access?
Can I bring my laptop and access internet from my room?
Wireless access available for laptops in community area
Does not reach all rooms, might reach some rooms
You can take online exams at UMS while at Gaia Sagrada
Facilitates checking emails, facebook, blogs, or any other low bandwidth activities
We ask that no one "hogs" the bandwidth. It must be shared by several people at the same time with wireless access. We cannot support videos, games, music, or other high bandwidth activities.
Sound and listening to music or videos on your hard drive must be on headphones
How long can I stay?
3 months on passport alone, no visa needed.
3-6 month extension on tourist visa enables you to stay for a total of 6 - 9 months per year in Ecuador. You can apply for a visa extension before you come or while you are in Ecuador.
extensions cost $200 - $250
Are there spa services?
Hot tub and sauna are included in housing fees, but normally spa fees are around $15-30 per day for these services in Cuenca. Having this included in your housing retreat fees is an incredible value and great support for your cleansing and healing!
Massage and alternative therapies can be arranged, so let us know if you are interested when you get to Gaia Sagrada and we can set sessions up for you when they are available.
What is the staff like?
Staff at Gaia Sagrada is mixed, both Ecuadorian and "Gringo." Most staff speaks English. Some speak Spanish as well.
We employ our neighbors in the surrounding communities of Llazhatyan and Jadan, but none of them speak English, only Spanish. They are very friendly and we encourage you to practice your Spanish with them!
ALL staff members are sweet and kind. We pick people who resonate with Gaia Sagrada's principles and goals to serve our guests as gently and kindly as possible.
What kind of activities / recreation are available?
Hiking, swimming, sauna, hot tub, campfires, dances, activities too numerous to list here. See Facilities to get an idea of what activities and recreation are available at Gaia Sagrada.
Are the facilities available for outside groups to rent (i.e. church retreat)?
Are there Group Rates?
If you would like to hold a weekend retreat, from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, these are the time slots for outside groups to use our facilities. Please contact us directly and explain how many people you would need to reserve space for. Twenty people is the minimum amount. Please see Host Your Own Group for more information. If you would like to rent for a longer amount of time than a weekend, let us know.
Travel? How do I get to Gaia Sagrada?
We spell it all out here on our Travel to Gaia Sagrada page.
Will we be transported to / from the airport?
Cost is up to $25, unless others come at same time and you can share the cost of the ride.
Meet with driver near baggage claim exit area at one end of Cuenca's small airport
Driver will hold a paper saying Gaia Sagrada
If you would like more info about transportation options from Guayaquil, Quito and Cuenca to Gaia Sagrada, please see Traveling to Gaia Sagrada.
Can I rent a car, stay in a hotel, and drive back and forth every day?
We do not recommend it. Those who already live in Cuenca and drive, know the road rules, and know their way around could do it safely, but tourists get killed or severely injured every year trying to drive where they don't know the rules. Also, the rules are not always obeyed, drivers are not well trained, and "anything goes" here in Ecuador. It is not the organized driving you are used to. It is best to leave the driving to the seasoned professionals and let the van service or drivers transport you if day commuting is your choice. Take the stress out!Besides, cars cost about $300-$350 per week to rent in Ecuador. It is very expensive. here are a few of the disadvantages you will face:
Street signs practically non-existent
No map helps outside historic district.
Renting car is expensive
Commuting from hotel costs more than Gaia Sagrada
We provide van service, seasoned drivers
What kind of documentation is required to enter Ecuador?
All you need is your passport! NO vaccination shots or medical records are required.
Are there modern hospital facilities in Ecuador? Is there access to emergency medical services?
Excellent, modern hospitals in Cuenca
Many doctors in Ecuador trained in USA or Europe.
Many medical procedures can be done in Cuenca. In fact, many come to Ecuador for medical procedures and dental work that costs a fraction of what it costs in the USA or Europe.
Your home country's insurance will not work in Ecuador.
Must pay cash. Ecuador is still a "cash" society. Credit cards and traveler's checks not widely accepted. You can retrieve cash through ATM machines here or bring it with you and rent our security box option for safe keeping.
Emergency medical services: Gaia Sagrada is considerable distance from any emergency room. Cuenca hospital is 50 minutes away. If you have a serious medical condition and think you might need to be rushed to the emergency room, and being 45 -50 minutes away is too long to get to the emergency room, then Gaia Sagrada might be too rural for you. We are not close to the hospital.
Is there any medical personnel on staff?
Can I get medicines I need in Ecuador?
Bring ALL medicine you are going to need. Not all medicines are available, and we cannot take the time to check on this for you. If you are staying for a long time, simply explain this to your doctor and get your prescription filled for the amount of time you will be here.
If you decide to stay longer than you planned originally, you can make an appointment with doctors in Ecuador to discuss your prescriptions. You may need to hire a translator. Bring your prescriptions with you so they know the names or your medicines.
We recommend an extra $500 - $1000 for any medical emergency you might have. Medical expenses are paid in cash in Ecuador. Your insurance is not accepted, nor are credit cards for medical things.
How much money should I bring?
If you just plan to stay at Gaia Sagrada you won't need much. We would suggest bringing about $100 - $200 per month if you are on a budget yet want to buy things or go to town for fun on weekends. This will cover your toiletries and a few days out on the town. Bring up to $400 - 500 per month if you plan on going to tourist attractions, sightseeing or buying souvenirs.
Gaia Sagrada offers wine or beer on some nights, massage and other healing modalities, has a small gift store, specialty snacks, and there is a little store up the road with various items.
If traveling outside of Gaia Sagrada, bring about $2000 - $3000 per month if you are a frugal traveler.
If your tastes are expensive, you will need more. Please consult the travel guides for more accurate information.
What is your policy on alcohol on the grounds?
There are some celebrations where beer and wine are appropriate and there are some nights when beer and wine are sold in the dining area. No hard liquors are allowed. It is not permitted to bring alcohol to the rooms or to bring your own for consumption in the dining area.
What about recreational or illegal drugs?
At no time are recreational or illegal drugs allowed on Gaia Sagrada grounds. You will be asked to leave without a refund if you bring them.
It is very important that all Ecuadorian laws are obeyed. The drugs that are illegal in USA and many other countries are also illegal in Ecuador.
Can I smoke cigarettes at Gaia Sagrada?
Yes, in designated smoking areas where we have seats and proper dispensing containers. No smoking is allowed in rooms or near the rooms. Smoking sections are set apart from where smoke will go into other people's windows.
Life at Gaia Sagrada Spiritual Retreat Center is a beautiful experience in spiritual living and lifestyle in a supportive and serene atmosphere.

Gaia Sagrada gives you the chance to practice all the spiritual tools you have been learning about in a safe and supportive environment.

Meet shamans, spiritual teachers, gurus, and experts in their fields.

Take time to relax and enjoy your life, because if you don't, what was the point of living?

When sitting under the stars, make a wish and thank the divine within you for providing your wish!
