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When I listen to the crickets in the night, I feel that all is well. It is one of the most comforting sounds.
Being with others on retreat is one of the most memorable moments of a lifetime. Where two or more are gathered in God's name, God is there.
To be or not to be? That is the question. To have joy or not to, this is the challenge. To be love, this is the goal.
Take time out for yourself and nurture yourself as you would a child. No one else is going to do this but you, so don't look to others for the love that you need. Give it to yourself first, and others will then follow and do the same.
Compassion is a quality of the heart that comes easy to some and not to others. This is a quality that must be developed if humanity is to realize its connectedness.
Give someone a hug today for no reason. Let someone know that there are others who care, even strangers.
Community Living Prices For the most up to date information, visit our new website, gaiasagrada.com. The below pricing is for: 12-Day Shamanic Ayahuasca and San Pedro Retreats (11 nights, 12 days) Price includes all food, facilities, sauna, hot tubs, wifi, community center access, ceremonies, movie room, classes, actiivities, everything! Only transportation is not included. Transportation is $20 one way from the airport to Gaia Sagrada. Airfare is not included. 1 hour per day is required of each participant to help in some way or another, so we can keep our prices low. Work will be simple and easy, like sweeping, food prep, or arranging chairs, things like that. Don't worry. We won't make anyone clean bathrooms! Just a few easy tasks to keep things organized! Dormitory housing - $875 each person All bathrooms are shared, no rooms with private baths
Enjoy the magical moonlight, sparkling stars, and gentle night time sounds as you take a break from the world at Gaia Sagrada.
If you have only one day left to live, how would you live it? Live today, and each day, as if it is your last day on Earth, and your life will change in an incredible way.
Take care of yourself by giving yourself moments to retreat from the world, taking time for reflection, and rejuvenate yourself so that you are more effective in daily life.
No matter how busy you are, sit in silence for at least a half hour per day and allow spirit to speak to you in your conscious state. This is the secret to having sanity.
Make time for living your life. It's not all about work or making money. Life is about experiencing yourself as eternal consciousness in the human form, experiencing giving and receiving love in a deep way.
If you are a person of action, make sure the action you take is guided by divine intention and love.
©2012 Gaia Sagrada Spiritual Retreat Center