If all are one, then helping another is literally helping your own Oneself aspects. If others are healthy and happy, so are you!
Make peace with your past and get on with living. You are missing all the beautiful moments that are happening now if you are stuck in the past.
If you wonder who God is, look at your own consciousness. This is who God is. You are an expression of God's consciousness.
Sacred Shamanic Ceremonies Form Please visit our new website at gaiasagrada.com, and fill out reservation forms there.
Adventures in consciousness.
To give is to recieve in your heart. To help another is to help yourself.
Anyone who reflects something that you don't like is a teacher sent especially to teach you something.
With gratitude in your heart, instead of longing, you invite a whole different kind of experience in life.
©2012 Gaia Sagrada Spiritual Retreat Center